Dr Sena

lek. med. Sainjargal Byambasuren (dr SENA)

The traditional Medicine of the East is thousands years old. It has survived for so long thanks to its enormous effectiveness as well as virtually lack of any side effects of the therapies. It resorts to the natural forms of healing and makes use of drugs of organic rather than chemicals origins. However, it does not denounce the conventional medicine. 

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About us

In our diagnosing and healing we combine the ancient traditions and experiences of the Eastern medicine with the scientific and technological achievements of the classic medicine. Acupuncture and other verified methods of healing used in the Eastern medicine are perfect supplements (and even replacements) for the classic treatment based on drugs. The European and Eastern methods cooperate and lead to one goal: healing the patient. Their combination enhances the chances for proper diagnosing and ultimate healing.

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Patients' opinions

  • I have come to doctor Sena's second time and I will always be back if I need it. My daughter has been here as well, when she suffered from migraine. Her visit in the Sobieski Hospital, where she had a brain liquid tested, gave no results. It was doctor Sena's accurate diagnose and acupuncture combined with herbs that resulted positively on her health. She got over migraines but she's still drinking herbs, just in case. We are glad that we are in good hands. I thank you very much and wish all the best!

    Małgorzata Biczyk, Warsaw, 05.01.2005.

Media about us


  • ul.Puławska 232,
    02-670 Warszawa
  • ul. Polna 10/14, unit 1U-75
    00-625 Warszawa
  • tel./fax: (+48-22) 825 62 38
    tel: 22-847-06-73
  • medycyna-wschodnia@eastmed.pl